Does Your IT Guy Understand How a Medical Office Works?

How many “IT Companies” truly get it?

small_Healthcare_IT_PinkIn today’s world, medical offices partnering with a technology company that “gets” how medical office works is imperative to providing more efficient and connected care.  A printer not working used to be a minor inconvenience – today it could cause a major hindrance to patient care.  Yet, when I am talking to office managers I hear time and time again – our IT guy told us that a down printer wasn’t critical and he couldn’t get to it for a week!


Medical IT support is different from IT support

Physician practice support should be provided by a partner who knows the difference. Vertilocity actively supports over 200 physicians and over 400 support staff with their day to day technology needs.  This support encompasses a wide range of issues from desktop, mobile and application support.  We assess your current IT state and implement solutions specific to your practice. We get that your systems need to run efficiently and those critical EMR solutions need to be available to the physicians and their teams.

Our team includes technical support staff with years of experience working for medical practices, partnerships with GE Centricity Consultants, Sage Intergy Consultants and others.

Let’s face it a lot of “IT Companies” know technology.  How many truly understand how a medical practice works and have the unique skill sets to support it.  The answer is very few.