Even Santa Uses The Cloud… The Santa Cloud

See how cloud services can tackle some of the biggest and, for children, most important duties!

The old days where Santa and his elves would spend 364 days making wooden toy trucks and stuffed teddy bears are long gone. Technology has changed not only business but also the Christmas lists of children around the world. Instead of a doll or a yoyo, children want the latest tech gadgets. Keeping up with this demand has changed how Santa does business too. We know Santa gets help, but maybe how and from where looks different these days than it did in the past…

Vertilocity The Santa Cloud

The question of how Santa makes it around the world in a night is easy, magic and reindeer! But, how does Santa organize his data.. well without the cloud, there’s no way he would have enough time to get everything together for December 24th!

With BI conclusions that duly suggested
The elves knew which toys kids always requested
With Dynamics 365 they worked with their partners
To create classic gifts for the world’s kindergartners

Contact us to find out how you can streamline your processes as efficiently as Santa Claus does!