The Future of Cloud Computing

Or should we say, “Cloud Computing – The Way of the Future?”

Sure, you are hesitant now to move your business to the cloud today, because it sounds risky and confusing… you shouldn’t hesitate for long! According to a study by the New Jersey Institute of Technology, “66% of data is in the cloud today and is expected to increase to 73% over the next two years. If you are reading this, chances are you can remember the internet boom. Now, can you imagine the cloud being as prevalent as the internet is today? Hopefully you answered yes, because that will be the case very soon.

When I first began looking into the idea of the cloud as the way of the future, I was honestly shocked at the statistics showing that 66% of data is in the cloud today. I would have thought it would be more. Then I continued to see that, “94% of organizations want to or already run their computing services in the cloud.” Those numbers make more sense to me. As a Cloud Services Provider, we see more and more customers migrating their business to the cloud. I had to ask myself, is the cloud the way of the future or is “the future” already here?

I do understand that some business owners are hesitant to move their sensitive data to this mysterious cloud. Will it be safe? How can you guarantee that? But, ask yourself, is your data safe now? Can you guarantee that? In our experience, many companies have a hard time putting their data in someone else’s hands. We get that. A lot of our customers who were hesitant about the cloud had the wrong idea – thinking that we might hold their data hostage or something along those lines. Meanwhile, their “server room” isn’t protected at all in their own offices.

We will not hold your data hostage, but I can assure you that with our vCloud – private cloud hosting services, you will be free from downtime and single points of failure, eliminate compliance concerns, and have protection from data loss. You can have confidence in your local experts to have a detailed understanding of your environment, protect your data with the stability and security of a tier three datacenter, and free your team to do what you do best.