Meet a Team Member: Joe Critchlow

What is you main responsibility at Vertilocity?

I wear many hats in working with Dynamics GP.  I manage some projects, do some Consulting, provide Support for Clients and our Consultants. Basically whatever needs done.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

There is not better feeling for me than putting a smile on a client’s face whether it is solving a complex issue or providing them with solid approach in utilizing their ERP system to its fullest, at the end of the day I want to feel like I made a difference.

What is your favorite season and why?

That would be fall, not too hot, not too cool. Me and the bright yellow thing in the sky are not best of friends. I love the cool crisp nights and the beautiful fall colors. Did I mention Football starts?

What is your favorite work story to share? 

Many moons ago, I was a Hardware Technician (that is what they called us back in those days). My clients at the time were Unix users. I will never forget the first time I delivered a Windows workstation. All of the folks gathered around and just stared, you could just see panic on their faces. I looked at them all and said “Don’t worry, this is a stress free zone”, I then made them all take a turn at playing Solitaire so they could learn how to use a mouse.  In today’s technology you don’t even have to use a mouse, you can just touch the screen…