Run your business more effectively: Tip#5

The Power of Productivity

The benefits of cloud technology are endless. There are so many opportunities for greater efficiency, but believe it or not, most SMBs see productivity is the prime advantage.

Working in the cloud allows your organization to adapt to change quickly, access programs at a moment’s notice from almost any device, and improve business processes.

Vertilocity Cloud_services_BlueFor small businesses, encouraging productivity through the cloud means giving team members high-end business tools to streamline their work functions.

According to Microsoft, “knowledge workers today spend roughly 20 percent of their time—one entire day every week—searching for information internally.”

With the right tools, your employees could spend that wasted time on more productive work. And because cloud solutions work across devices and on, getting work done isn’t limited to the borders of the office.

As company size grows, centralizing apps in the cloud can reduce burdens on IT management, too. The main motivator for mid-sized businesses is IT productivity: freeing tech-oriented staff from the time consuming chore of maintaining software on devices, and enabling them to do more for the business.

Contact us to find out how you can unleash productivity in your organization today!