A Tale of Two Clouds.. Which is Right for You?

Cloud computing has really proven its worthy of the attention from start ups and large corporations alike. At this point, most organizations are looking at cloud computing with more than just curiosity. By the same token, there are certainly still skeptics on the topic. It’s important to be informed of what cloud computing is and what you need from it. There are different types of “clouds” that give your business something different. Find out which is best for you!

We’ve talked about public cloud vs. private cloud before, but let’s also talk about cloud applications. An application cloud is where the business is the application, something like Salesforce.com or Amazon Web Services, for example. An enterprise cloud is where the business runs the application.

Redundancies are built at the application layer for the application cloud, and for the enterprise cloud, they’re built at the infrastructure layer. The application cloud serves one purpose, whereas the enterprise cloud is a platform to run your business. When you look at this comparison, you can choose which type of cloud computing best suits your needs, which saves you time, stress and money.

Which cloud is right for you?