Technology That Helps You Stay Compliant

A question that we hear often when talking about Office 365, or any cloud solution for that matter, is “Who owns my data”? This is a good question to ask, however it seems like a no brainer to us – you do!
With Microsoft Office 365, you own it. It’s your data. You control it. And it is yours to take with you if you decide to leave the service.

The fundamental beliefs of Microsoft’s approach to earning and maintaining your trust are:

  1. Built-in security
  2. Privacy by design
  3. Continuous compliance
  4. Transparent operations

Of these core values, I want to focus on continuous compliance.

Many of our customers are required to be in compliance of industry specific regulations. Office 365’s continuous compliance is why we recommend this to those customers.

Microsoft has a commitment to evolve the Office 365 controls to stay up to date with standards and regulations that apply to your industry and region. Regulations often share the same or similar controls, which makes it easier for Microsoft to meet the requirements of new regulations.

Meeting industry standards is something that Office 365 can help you comply. And finding a partner who knows and understands your industry is crucial to keeping you up to date. Microsoft has undoubtedly built the framework for compliance with Office 365, and having a partner like Vertilocity, who you can count on, can turn your vision into reality. Not to mention, we take the stresses of failing to meet compliance standards off of your plate.