Video Friday: There’s an App for that, it’s called StaffHub

Office hours are pretty standard, Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. No schedule needed, it’s pretty easy to remember when to show up for work and when to enjoy your weekend off. But, for some, the hours are completely different and vary from week to week. For the deskless occupations, a schedule is required to properly staff the organization at all times. In this case, what is the best way to communicate that?

Prior to technology, the option was, hang the schedule up somewhere and require every employee to be responsible for coming in and looking at it whether they were working or not. While that way may get the job done, it’s not efficient, or convenient in any way. Thankfully, there is technology for that! It’s called StaffHub and it’s the best way to communicate not only scheduling but just about anything to all of your employees at once from any device!

Employees can access their schedules from a computer or phone, swap shifts, read company bulletin messages, and more! And the manager sharing this information doesn’t have to take the time to contact each person individually. And when your employees’ schedules are on their phones, they have no excuse to not know their schedule and not report to work for their shift.

That’s not it, there’s more! This awesome app is part of Office 365 and with its subscription (which is so affordable) access to Exchange, SharePoint Online, Yammer and Office Online is included!

Contact us to get started with this great tool today!